Wednesday 7 December 2011

Thank you and my heart felt gratitude!

Recently my dear younger sister's gesture bowled me over. As you know that I am staying at my native, so my dad replaced me to take care of younger sis in chennai.On 27th Nov it was my dad's birthday, usually his big day is celebrated in a big way. We arrange thanks giving and invite relatives, However this was not the case this year. My dad preferred solitude . Daughters being daughters cant leave parents alone.So my sister decided to celebrate his birthday. Since I wasn't there she has to play the chef, playing safe she choose a simple menu. Unfortunately she fell sick on thursday but somehow managed to put up some finger licking dishes ( my dad's word's). I am so proud of  you my chotipari.:D After which I found this on her face book page..

My family had always been supportive in what ever I do, specially my adorable sisters and a special mention to my darling lil sis. She always reads my posts patiently and always encouraged me to improve myself as an individual and as a blogger . love to you baccha..

  I would also like to mention and thank a very special friend of mine.Who is a reason behind every post I write as a matter of fact she is the driving force to start my blog.

 She is a mixture of characters from the famous sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S . Rachel Green when it comes to her way of speaking , body language and dressing.She loves to wrap her gifts and writes cute notes on them. She is a gypsy at heart like phoebe which actually explains her fixation towars beads and she is turning into Monica Geller after her wedding. She is my pasta partner, shopping mate and my gossip ear  She listens patiently to all my stories and keeps suggesting me to blog them. I always call her Superficial but her true self is no less impressive.Thank u babe for all the support, for your gentle pushes innumerable times .{ ;) }  .And thanks a ton for reading every idiotic thing I write , not only reading  but you take time to comment . Love you dear for all this and more..

Cant imagine my life without you guys ...



  1. Awww.Thanks :) That is so sweet of you..!! I am glad I am able to motivate you to blog but I do have an ulterior motive..I don't want to get bored and its always nice to read your blog :)

  2. This is such a sweet post. I hope you all stay exactly the way you are ... always :)

  3. @ natasha.. your are welcome babe.. you know I mean every word I said and you deserve the credit... :D

  4. @gayatri.. thank you... And touchwood :D

  5. ohh so sweet.....that what relatives are for to make us feel loved.

  6. @A guilty conscience that's true. But not everyone are so lucky to have loving family and friends :D

  7. Support from our loved ones is the best thing one can get :)
    And the bond between two sisters is beautiful :)

  8. @♫♪♥PhilO♥♪♫ yup so true... cant think or imagine my life without them.. :D thank you for visiting my blog :)

  9. its great to have such loving family and friends :)
    they can simply brighten any dull moment and elevate any good event or happening to a new high :)

  10. @Purvi absolutely true... they make our life better.. thank you for following me :)

  11. Loved this post! Really sweet :)

  12. @TheGirlAtFirstAvenue thank u :D


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