Wednesday 21 December 2011

Lost and Found - My Christmas Spirit :D

Its Christmas all around but somehow this year I am missing the Christmas excitement I don't know why. I didn't jump when mom announced about our Christmas shopping. I picked up very simple dress, neither was I excited about Christmas cleaning part.Because of me, my sister decided to have a low profile Christmas too. I am kind of a person who gets excited for anything and everything .Even though I am grown up now I still get excited on my birthday like a 5 year old. I pretend to sleep early that night but wide awake to see who will wish me first.  Unlike my other siblings I try to be with my parents on my "The day" what ever be the circumstances .   ( cause I love the attention and pampering I get that day) 

   I still hide TV remote when I have to watch my favorite show so that no one can disturb me :p When I hear a fruit vendor or vegetable seller on the road screaming with in a second I imitate them with the same  volume ( I don't get to do it much in Chennai though because of the apartment culture) I some time break into weird dancing all of sudden or sing in a weird tone..I'm little cranky that way. my younger sister says that I don't act my age I behave as if I'm 4 or 5 year old ;p

This year I somehow missed my element. Nothing is making me feel Christmasy .Neither the several status and tweets of family and friend's nor the frequent photos of cakes , cupcakes and cookies on my FB wall. But I somehow tried pulling my socks for lil sis. I planned our own Christmas shopping. Decorated our small Christmas tree and set the star outside our apartment.still! no use, tried catching up f my favorite Christmas movies .. but I don't know why all the English channels decided not to play Christmas related movies this year. Even though I have all my favorite Home Alone series with me that didn't do the magic this time. We did our shopping ... didn't excite me either.. I gave up . But then when I was taking bath , looking at soap's foam I started to sing let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

Then It clicked me so I started to play all Christmas songs and hymns and in no time I got my Christmas fever ... Here are my all time favorites Christmas songs.. Do share me yours too ........

                                         Starting with one which got me into the grove..

                                                                                                                                                                      next comes a beautiful hymn..

Another lovely hymn



our good old Santa Claus is coming


the story of  red nosed reindeer

Peppy jingle bells


I know its little sad but how can I forget last Christmas

very romantic


If I start posting all my favorites the list will not end . I don't want to bore you . Summing up with 


                                                    Season's Greetings to you all

                                                                        Luv ya..



  1. yayy..a spontaneous post..niceee!!! Yeah, there has been no snow so far here, so it doesn't feel too christmassy..And christmas songs put me in a good mood too :)

  2. Ha-ha. The videos were nice.
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Its great that you found your christmas spirit back :)
    The christmas songs actually uplift the mood :) :)

  4. @natasha.. yup spontaneous... White or not .. I'm sure u are all ready and waiting for christmas :D

  5. @Uruj .. welcome to my rambling.. yup these songs are the heart and soul of christmas.. Merry christmas to u too... and thanks for following :D

  6. @Purvi thank you.. I had to find it somehoo.. you have a merry christmas .. I tried posting a comment on ur post A Perfect Saturday but I dont why I cant view it :(

  7. Yayyy! You're back in your element. Christmas songs are the best. The entire city is playing them at the moment!

  8. Passing to say hi to my best wishes for these dates as indicated
    and for the new year arrives that your wishes are met
    Happy New Year 2012!.
    A hug.

  9. @gayatri.. I can imagine the sight...Read ur christmas love... loved it :D

  10. @Rahul Bhatia thank you sir.. And wish you the same :D
    @Ricardo Miñana thank you and wish you a happy 2012 :D


Hope you liked my rambling... feel free to comment. Do come back to hear some more chaotic stories of a single girls life :D