Sunday 4 March 2012

With good friendship comes great responsibility

We meet someone sometimes and we connect so well, you feel  that we have been friends for life. Even though we don't  get to meet or talk to them on daily basis but still in your heart you are connected. Mutual admiration, love and care is what that keeps this friendship going.. Even though  we are separated by distance there is this amazing bond which makes that friendship priceless. I am thankful to God that he blessed me with such amazing and darling friends who not only love me but make me feel special .Ahem! Before people cry on speech on friendship I better control , I don't want to get senti here.

As I told you these friends of mine are millions of miles away separated by continents but the minute they get a chance to come to India the first thing they do is contact me as matter fact I don't have to .I understand how busy their schedule can be. Not only they meet me they shower these amazing gifts , love and care. We don't get to spend like days together but just few hours sometimes just an hour but the connection is so much there . With all this they give me a responsibility which I still don't know whether I should be happy or sad about it.

Wondering what responsibility?  They expect me  not to tell anyone about their trip or our meeting to any of our common friends. I am a person who has to share my happiness to the world. No I don't showoff but I want to tweet about it ,write whats on my mind on FB .You know what we usually do now a days Once I had to face such an embarrassing situation when I uploaded few pics ,which I don't even want to mention..I don't think its my mistake that they don't choose not to meet others.I don't have to be insulted.. I am still wondering whether should I be happy that they choose to meet me or should I worry about the how my other friends react , when they come to know about it?


  1. Friends are precious.

    As for your dilemma, I feel you can cherish the fact that they chose to meet you - without thinking what others would think.

  2. You are lucky to have such friends sweetheart. Keep them yours always.

    As for your confusion, be happy they chose you over others. I know it's hard to keep it off people. But think about it the best moments are those we don't need to talk about. You'll have to be hush hush about it. In case it does falter, you can always cook up a sotry right. You'll be fine :)

    1. Yes i am lucky to have such friends :D

  3. AWW.You so very much reflect my thoughts!! :)

    Though I'm always on demand by my friends it so happens I'm not the type to proclaim a lot about it but just love my friends and people in general!! I think they are one of the happiest beings who can fill your life with so much happiness ,like a balloon that needs air, one prick in the balloon ,the air fizzles off and so the balloon bursts and so does our life!! Friends really are angels hiding , running and forever wishing the best for us.But it's upto us whom we choose to befriend!! Lovely post! :)

  4. I totally understand whoa you are saying..But I guess you should just be happy that your friends pick you if they had to pick just one friend that they can spend time with out of their tight schedule ;)

    1. I know babe and I am always happy that my friends pick me
      "in their busy schedule"

  5. Friendship is blessing ,You are blessed :).
    Just found your blog .Following it.
    Care to follow back ?

    1. Yup I am blessed ... Thank you for following me :D

  6. I can completely understand how exciting it feels to meet a friend after a long long time. My best friend is far away from me and we don't get to meet as frequently as we used to. But when we do it's like heaven!

    1. Even my BFF is very far I haven't met her in years.. But when ever we catch up over phone it leaves a really nice and warm feeling :D

  7. Lasting friendships are precious:)

  8. I totally agree with Rahul ji. Lasting friendships are rare and precious.

  9. You should just be happy they choose to meet up with you. That they choose to NOT meet the others is completely their choice na?

  10. very well said .. I am grateful to God that I am chosen :D


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