Wednesday 13 July 2011

What matters Beauty, Work or Good nature ???

People judge you by various things your looks , your work and your nature . But I have a big doubt . what exactly matters?? When I think about this I wonder what is important? I had few experiences in my life which I want to share mainly from my work front.

I always believed that looks doesn't matter when it comes to work All you got to do is work hard and prove your metal. I worked in an organization ( which I love) for two years Awesome work environment. Its was not looks , or sucking up that mattered . People recognize you by your work. It was a surprise that when I was nominated for a very important job by my managers. I did'n't even have an idea that people actually know me . A quiet girl who minds only her work. Later when I was promoted I came to know that so many people actually appreciate you, your nature, your smile, your work, your dressing style. Which actually made me feel top of the world.

All my ideas about working hard and stuff was shattered when I 've joined a God forbidden organization. Its no longer beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. In this superficial world every one loves and regards the good looking one. If you are an average looking girl. U are totally screwed . People get judgmental even before they get to know you.Working in that organization had made me realize that an average looking girl can never be good at work, with people or anything in this world. They don't even mind to sum up your character.They can never be modern or carry fashion . If they look fashionable , they will immediately give the credit to the good looking girl you want to know why? Because the average looking girl can never have fashion sense and probably what she is wearing now is what she copied from the good looking girl. period. After this experience I was shattered, my self confidence fell all time low.

After such a bitter experience I 've joined another organization. Here I was all on my own. No colleagues to appreciate or to irritate. I had few managers , and loads of subordinates. By the grace of God no one had doubts about my fashion sense. Since I did'nt have any colleagues I used to mind my business. Only during my training sessions I used to get to interact with people. I cant say I did something unusual things to make my mark. But somehow there was word spread all over about how I'm down to earth, caring and helpful. May be because of my occasional hindi talking with the security, or my broken tamil conversations with the maintenance, or my not so strict behavior with my trainees and subordinates ( I cant beat my own drum, tying hard to be utmost modest ) . I have no idea. But when I was leaving the organisation the emotional talks , miss you notes have actually made me feel that its not about looks , its not about work its all about ur nature and how you behave is what matters

What do you think it matters ???


  1. good one...It is the work ethics and your professionalism that should matter at a work place..And there are people you will come across in life who are superficial and dumb enough to base everything based only on looks which only goes on to prove their narrow-mindedness :)

  2. You are so right work ethics and professionalism are the key .. thanks .. :)

  3. Nice post. I think its the entire package. Looks don't matter but presenting oneself appropriately counts.

    Work is key, but I also find there are many who are clear that work is not their #1 priority and weigh in on other priorities like family, running marathons etc.

    Nature is such a volatile thing :-).

  4. @ geeta thats true... I completely agree... thanks


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